3rd June 2020

What shop floor users see in DELMIAWORKS

DELMIAWORKS Manufacturing ERP System UK shop floor user

Giving the shop floor access to real-time production data

In this video, Tom Grigg walks through DELMIAWORKS (formerly known as IQMS), from a manufacturing shop floor standpoint.

Shop floor users have a specific area of the DELMIAWORKS interface: the shop floor data module.

This module takes real-time production monitoring and combines it with data from the rest of the manufacturing ERP.

It gives the operator a direct insight into exactly what’s going on with the machine.



In this final segment, we’re just going to be covering off a bit about what shop floor users are likely to see from an interface.

This is our shop data module. This is effectively a screen which is showing exactly what’s going on with the machine to the operator.

So this basically incorporates our real-time production monitoring with the rest of the ERP solution. What we have here, it gives us the details of what job, what work order we’re working on. Once again colour-coded, so we can see this particular work order is running slow.

We’ve got all the cycle information, as per the bill of manufacture we mentioned before. Based on the demand, in terms of the quantities, we can see how many cycles we’ve got required to finish the production. So you can see here we’ve got thirty-four thousand six hundred and eighty parts to go, so it gives you that real-time information as to where the job is at.

Underneath, what this is doing is actually displaying the cycle time for each of the cycles, as they’re running so our MES solution is able to take that information directly from your injection moulding machines or extrusion machines, and present that into a cycle time per impression, basically.

So what we have here, is we know that we’re running – we’ve got here – two cavities. We’ve got actual cavitation and standard cavitation, and we can see that every time we’re running one cycle, we’re manufacturing two of those parts.

Now, what we can do also, in conjunction with our real-time is, you can remember on the bill of manufacture we discussed about the packaging requirements and we can specify how many parts per package, we can use our solution, called real-time label, which will basically determine how many good parts have been made, and then as soon as a full box quantity has been made, we can have the system automatically generate a bar coded label for you to disposition those items straight into stock.

On this screen, we can also see a summary of each of the cycles, so we can get a really good idea as to what’s happening and when, so we can do some kind of analysis.

We can also go into the document management side of things, so you can remember I discussed internal documents, external documents, and so on. But, if we click on the internal documents for this bill of manufacture, you can see here that these are all of the internal documents that have been built up through the process of creating this BOM (Bill of Materials or Manufacture).

These are all the customer documents that are against the customer record, so if it’s associated with a sales order then all of those documents will appear in here. Any inventory-specific documents against the part reference.

Any AKA (also known as) documents, so if you using a customer part reference, we can have specific documents for each customer.

Any workcenter documents that we might want to record: standard operating procedures in terms of machine setup. Also, net MRO documents, if this work order is a maintenance repair work order then we can also associate that here.

External documents, once again all the same across the top so dependent on where they were attached in the system, you can see all of those associated documents are here. Effectively, everything that the end-user or the operator would need to see or have access to, to be able to work on this work order, it’s all available at their fingertips.

Another thing you can see here is a number of different options that we can select. We can record rejects very simply from the system, by clicking on the rejects button here, and then it will ask us for the nature of the rejects, using a reject code. Here we can see I’ve got rejects, so I’m going to say – I’m going to add a line for rejects here.

I’m going to say there were two rejects and it was damaged, and I’m going to go to ‘okay’. This has given me the option to add to a non-conforming location so that straightaway we can make a decision on what needs to be done with those parts.

Whether they’re going to be recirculated, whether they’re going to be distributed. If they need to be inspected by somebody more senior to ensure that they are scrap then that can also be automated within the system.

From here, you can see I’ve got two items that have been recorded as scrap. If I expand this out here then, every time we’re taking a new scrap item, we can actually add or subtract directly from here. It will ask us whether we want to put it into a new non-conforming location.

What we can also do, and I mentioned this previously on the Bill of manufacture segment, is we can control the cavitation of the tool directly from this interface. You can see here we’ve got standard cavitation of two, but say one of the cavities goes down on the shop floor we can actually take that to one. What that will actually do is then increase the required time to produce these items. In this instance, it will double it on the premise that it’s going to take twice as long to make the same number of parts

So that will automatically update the production schedule with the new requirement of time so then we can run all sorts of reports to tell you what work orders have been affected and so on to make sure that your customers are being kept informed you’re operating in the most effective way possible and that the production schedule is always accurate and on time.

But that’s it for this segment. Thank you very much!

Posted by Joe on 3rd June 2020.