21st April 2017

Industry 4.0: Plastics and the New Industrial Revolution


How prepared are you for the next industrial revolution? Industry 4.0 is here and it will have a major impact on manufacturing.

The British Plastics Federation (BPF) is holding a one-day seminar on Tuesday 6th June 2017 at BPF House, London entitled Industry 4.0: Plastics and the New Industrial Revolution which will look at how new technology such as the internet of things and data exchange in manufacturing will create efficient, interactive and flexible ‘smart’ factories, as well as the impact these innovations may have on your business.

Aimed at senior and middle managers in the plastics industry, the event will examine the potential opportunities for plastics manufacturers of Industry 4.0 and get the perspective of the UK government and German manufacturers.

So, what’s on the agenda for the seminar?

Industry 4.0: Plastics and the New Industrial Revolution

Industry 4.0: What are the limitations and possibilities?

Chris Richards, Senior Policy Advisor at EEF examines what is Industry 4.0 and how will it affect your manufacturing business? He’ll also look at what the potential opportunities are for your business as well as explore the capabilities and limitations of Industry 4.0.

How can the Uk government help businesses with Industry 4.0

Claire Porter, Head of Manufacturing at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy gives the perspective of the UK Government and how it is supporting manufacturers to engage with Industry 4.0, including the support that is available.

Industry 4.0: The German perspective and the Euromap approach

Thorsten Kuehmann for the VDMA discusses the German perspective on Industry 4.0. Recognised as the world leader in smart manufacturing, this will be a particularly interesting session to understand how Germany has made Industry 4.0 successful.

Industry 4.0 and the future of the plastics industry

Steve Brambley, Director of Public Affairs at GAMBICA, looks at the direct opportunities that Industry 4.0 present the plastics sector specifically. What will smart manufacturing mean for the sector and what should manufacturers be aware of?

How IQMS empowers Industry 4.0 for the plastics industry

IQMS is committed to helping manufacturers to exploit the opportunities presented by Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. By applying these concepts into their comprehensive ERP and MES Systems, IQMS is enabling manufacturers to integrate their supply chain, increase automation use data more effectively to ensure the success of their businesses.

You can read more about how automotive plastics manufacturer, Nissen Chemetic has benefitted from using IQMS and see how injection moulding plastics manufacturer, Tessy Plastics has achieved high levels of success with IQMS.

Contact us to learn more about DELMIAWORKS (IQMS) plastics manufacturing ERP and MES software

Posted by Paul on 21st April 2017.