15th July 2021

How manufacturers can maximise productivity & profitability

How manufacturers can maximise productivity & profitability

Create a connected workforce to maximise productivity & profitability

In manufacturing, everything is connected.

Anything that happens in one part of the business can have a knock-on effect on other parts of the business – and on the business as a whole.

That’s why it’s essential to have visibility and connectivity across the entire business. A specific manufacturing ERP platform like DELMIA | Works gives you end-to-end connectivity.

Eliminate data silos and improve performance across the key elements of your manufacturing operation:

  • People
  • Equipment
  • Inventory

But there are still some barriers in the way of truly connected working. To enable shop floor worker productivity, and help gig workers quickly get up to speed, manufacturers need to take a new approach to connected working.

Webinar: Creating a connected workforce that maximises productivity & profitability


Date: Tuesday 3rd August 2021 | Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm (GMT)

This webinar from our partners DELMIA | Works shows you exactly how leading mid-tier manufacturers:

• Implement intuitive, touchscreen-based shop floor interfaces to ERP systems
• Create responsive digital workflows based on intuitive and innovative new workflow interfaces
• Capture real-time production and process data, which enables connected workers to excel
• Improve product quality by providing their connected workers with the data they need, wherever and whenever they need it
• Complete in-line inspections in real-time, so they can find (and remove) defective products before they leave the plant
• Can use drag-and-drop scheduling to help connected workers – and even entire plants – meet production goals
• Use Capable-to-Promise to help connected workers plan their work more accurately

Register now to discover how DELMIA | Works’ end-to-end, single database solution delivers greater visibility and control over your operations- to maximise productivity and profitability.


About DELMIA | Works

DELMIA | Works is a manufacturing ERP System with real-time production monitoring built-in.

Designed with a manufacturing ‘shop floor first’ focus, DELMIA | Works gives mid-market discrete and process manufacturers increased efficiency and accelerated growth, with real-time visibility of production performance.

Posted by Paul on 15th July 2021.