
Worksheets for Windows CE Migration

Use these worksheets to ensure senior management buy-in & document your current mobile asset inventory for effective Windows CE migrations

Complete the form below to download two useful worksheets from Zebra to support your Windows CE handheld migration.

Worksheet one: making the business case for a mobility asset refresh

Making sure you gain buy-in from senior management as early as possible in any handheld device replacement strategy is vitally important.

Zebra has put together this worksheet to help you to develop a compelling business case in five steps:

  • Step 1: stating your intentions (document what positive impact migrating mobile operating systems will have on the business)
  • Step 2: showing the value of workforce mobility to the business (provide evidence of the importance mobile devices have in day-to-day operations linking use cases to business KPIs)
  • Step 3: highlighting the gaps (what does the business require from its mobile devices and what are the gaps in current capabilities)
  • Step 4: preparing cost-benefit analysis (provide a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis)
  • Step 5: creating a high level plan (tackle potential challenges head-on by recording the high level migration plan).

Worksheet two: assessing your mobile asset inventory

Understanding your current mobile asset inventory is the second worksheet in this worksheet bundle.

By documenting how your business uses handheld devices and where they are used will help you scope out your migration project. Understand which parts of your business will be impacted most by replacing Windows CE devices so you can then prioritise them during any rollout.

  • Who uses what device and where (what specific functions in the organisation use mobile devices: warehouse, retail operatives, delivery drivers)?
  • What mobile devices do you have in each part if the business (operating system, software applications used, accessories required for those devices, details of specific use case)?
  • Record more detailed information on the software applications highlighted in the previous step so you can identify the skills required to transfer existing Apps to a new mobile platform.

Download Free ‘Mobility Use Case Asset Inventory’ Worksheet

Download Free ‘Mobility Asset Refresh Business Case’ Worksheet

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