
Why Choose Proximity for IBM i Application Support, Maintenance & Development?

For organisations running business-critical applications on the IBM i, supporting and maintaining those applications now and into the future is a key challenge.

Those organisations are looking strategically at their IT strategies and IT application landscape over the next five, ten and fifteen years to find a way to not only ‘keep the lights on’ with their existing IBM i applications, but in a lot of cases develop additional functionality or transform outdated green on black interfaces to a modern UI.

The types of applications that typically run on the IBM i also tend to be business-critical by their very nature – making downtime a significant risk to the business.

Additionally, many of the development teams who first implemented and configured those IBM i applications twenty or thirty years ago have started to move on or are reaching retirement age.

So, how can organisations continue to support, maintain and develop their IBM i applications?

One clear solution is to outsource IBM i software support, maintenance and development to a partner like Proximity.

Why choose Proximity for IBM i application support, maintenance and development?

A depth of IBM i experience & expertise

Proximity developers have a combined experience of over 307 years, developing, supporting and maintaining applications on the IBM i (and its past guises as the AS400, iSeries and System i).

We also have a number of long-standing relationships with customers, both large and medium-sized across the UK, Ireland, Europe and further afield across a wide range of industry sectors.

Customers like Gebrüder Weiss, DB Schenker, Wilko, and Draper Tools which allows us to develop close working relationships and a deep understanding of their operations, software and the wider industry in which they operate.

Learn more about some of our customers and their success stories here.

Working across many programming languages on IBM i

We can support, maintain and develop applications across a number of programming languages, including (but not limited to):

  • PHP
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Java
  • RPG
  • CA 2E.

Supporting, maintaining & developing IBM i applications across many sectors

We support, maintain and develop IBM i applications for a number of sectors, including:

Proximity also developed and launched Stream, the Transport Management Solution, on the IBM i. Stream is a powerful cloud-based delivery, logistics and fleet management software application that is accessed on your web browser.

Just some of our IBM i based customers

Within those sectors, here are examples of three of Proximity’s IBM i development, support and maintenance customers:


Proximity helped high-street retailer Wilko to de-risk their IBM i applications, by transferring existing IBM i developers through TUPE augmenting the IT team, as well as taking on support, development and maintenance of IBM i structure and core business applications.

DB Schenker

DB Schenker are one of world’s largest transportation and logistics service providers. Proximity design, develop and maintain applications for International transport management system (ITMS), CIEL transport & warehouse management system, e Services for European land transport, and Business Intelligence, providing DB Schenker with development, support and maintenance services to manage a number of core business-critical applications on the IBM i.

Gebrüder Weiss

Gebrüder Weiss are the oldest transport company in the world. Proximity has a dedicated team of developers working on behalf of Gebrüder Weiss, to support a number of IBM i-based applications predominately using RPG. In 2013, Gebrüder Weiss’ launched the Freight Rate Tool across Europe using the native DB2 database and some RPG business logic.

Established partnerships with leading IBM i vendors

As well as established relationships with IBM, Proximity has partnerships with leading IBM i vendors including Fresche Solutions, Remain Software, Raz-Lee, Maxava, Ivanti, Zend and StayLinked.

These partnerships give our customers access to products across:

  • GUI, Web & Mobile Enablement & Development
  • IBM i Analysis, Monitoring & Productivity
  • Terminal Emulation & Windows CE migration
  • IBM i reporting & documentation distribution
  • IBM i security.

Get in touch to talk about how Proximity can help your business to support, maintain and develop business-critical applications on the IBM i applications.

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