Our partners Remain Software has released their second Milestone of TD/OMS (Remain’s IBM i change management tool) V13, Gravity V6, Remain API Studio V2, and MiWorkplace V1.25.0.
In line with the company’s longstanding commitment to ongoing product and customer support, these new Milestones mark the second of three scheduled enhancements to the current versions.
The releases feature notable enhancements to integrations, user interfaces and more, and they mark expansions in user intuitiveness, productivity and efficiency.
Annual full-version releases take place every summer.
TD/OMS V13.0.2
Update includes enhancements to include:
- The possibility to include remarks and comments in TD/OMS definitions
- The inclusion of a ‘Downloads’ tab in the ‘Preferences’ view page
- The possibility to configure the promote conflicts dialog columns
- The inclusion of ‘Open with…’ in the menu to provide options depending on the integrations that are active on TD/OMS.
MiWorkplace V1.25.0
The most notable enhancement regarding the recently acquired MiWorkplace editor is that it can now be integrated with TD/OMS. Also:
- A flexible filtering system has been added
- The ‘Job’ view has been remarkable
- There are several improvements concerning the Libraries
- Many other functionalities have been added with the aim of making the use of the development environment easier and more intuitive
Remain API studio V2.0.2
Remain’s rich visual editor keeps increasing its user-friendliness and functionality. Its Test functionality has just been improved with the possibility to edit a created method. The Studio now gives the user the option to delete or keep a component and to add global responses and callbacks.
Gravity V6.0.2
Gravity V6.0.2 is focused mainly on resolving issues and preparing new enhancements.
TD/OMS, Gravity and Remain API Studio are in-house developed and engineered for both IBM i and multi-platform environments.
MiWorkplace is designed as an integrated development environment for the IBM i. The emphasis of Remain’s quarterly Milestones usually lies within support for user-ease and intuitiveness, process refinement for accuracy, functionality and reliability, and enabling developers and IT teams to remain focused on the progression and success of their efforts, advance their development potential, and compound the return on their investments of time, attention and commitment to their work.
New features and capabilities are released to customers with the full-versions every summer, and with three quarterly “Milestone” enhancement releases throughout the year, with the aim of creating a consistent and reliable schedule so customers have a sense of support at all times and know that the next Milestone or version release is on the way.