
What’s New in Presto 9.3

Interested to find out how Presto 9.3 can help you leverage your existing ILE applications by rapidly converting green screens and providing end-users’ with an intuitive modern experience on any device?

As you map out and implement your digital-first strategy, it is important to utilise the right technology & latest tools to give you an edge over competitors.

In an upcoming webinar hosted by Greg Patterson & Yuval Ore from Fresche Solutions they will introduce you to Presto’s latest update, with new features including: enhancements to the Visual Editor​, Dark Mode, and improvements to Presto’s IDE rendering engine.

There will be a live product demonstration of Presto 9.3 to show you what’s possible with the latest update.

What’s New in Presto 9.3

On this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to create an instantly accessible web GUI.
  • How Presto 9.3 improves user productivity by adding new functionalities.
  • How Presto has evolved through enhancements to the Visual Editor, Dark Mode, and improvements to Presto’s IDE rendering engine.

Join us at 18:00 pm (BST) on Wednesday 7th September 2022.

Register Now >>>

If you’d like to read more about Presto 9.3 you can visit the product page.

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