
What’s Coming Up for the IBM i World in 2017

A look ahead at some of the events and learning opportunities for IBM i professionals and developers in 2017.

2016 has seen lots of exciting events and developments in IBM i maintenance and modernisation, from the first i-UG meetings released way back in January, to the brilliant sessions at COMMON Fall Conference and Exhibition that took place in October. 2017 looks set to be even more jam-packed with events for PHP on IBM i developers and something alike. What events are you looking forward to? Make sure to tweet us with anything we’ve missed out.

Upcoming events for PBP on IBM i developers in 2017

PHP UK Conference

London, UK | Thursday 16th – Friday 17th February 2017
The 12th Annual PHP UK Conference is the first big PHP event of the year, and promises a host of workshops, keynotes and conference sessions. PHP UK Conference is a great place for UK PHP Developers and users to learn more about PHP, stay up-to-date with the latest news, and discuss and debate interesting PHP topics with peers. The Conference Schedule has been released, with sessions covering a diverse range, from Object-Oriented Programming to Integrating React.js.

i-UG Meetings 2017

Rochdale, UK | Thursday 2nd March 2017
The first of i-UG’s quarterly one-day meetings for 2017 will be held in March, and is free to attend for i-UG members. With last years’ i-UG meetings such a success, the first meeting of 2017 is bound to be an insightful day too.

COMMON 2017 Annual Meeting & Exposition

Orlando, FL, US | Sunday 7th – Wednesday 10th May 2017
While the sessions haven’t been released yet, the Common Annual Meeting and Exposition is always a highlight of the PHP developers social calendar. The 2015 and 2016 COMMON annual meeting and expositions both offered some great, interactive sessions on all topics related to PHP, from some of the experts in the field, and the 2017 event looks to be no different.

International PHP 2017 Conference

Berlin, Germany | Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June 2017
This week-long conference runs alongside the expo (30th-31st May). Now running for over a decade, International PHP 2017 leads the way in PHP and web technology expertise. The conference sees leading PHP experts, alongside users and developers from companies of all sizes, around the globe, coming together annually to discuss the hot topics and latest developments in PHP.

International i-Power 2017

Milton Keynes, UK | Tuesday 13th June – Wednesday 14th June 2017
The International i-Power Conference is an annual event organised by PowerWire, the European website and newsletter for IBM i power users, and i-UG, the UK’s indeenedent user group for IBM i. The conference aims to keep attendees up-to-date about the latest progress in IBM i, offering educational workshops and optional sessions. This keeps PHP on IBM i developers prepared, and ready to put knowledge of recent developments into place on their projects.

ZendCon 2017

Santa Clara, CA, US | October 2017 (TBC)
The date and location have yet to be officiually released for ZendCon 2017, but rumour has it the behemoth of PHP on IBM i conferences will be returning to sunny California next October. If ZendCon 2015 and ZendCon 2016 are anything to go by, this years’ event will be end-to-end learning and fun.

We hope to be able to attend some of these exciting and innovative events this year. Which PHP on IBM i Events are you looking forward to in 2017?

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