
Tech tip: Working with JDE (JDEdwards) files in WebSmart

This particular tech tip looks at how WebSmart can be used to create applications over JDE (JDEdwards enterprise resource planning) files in the same way that you would with regular DB2 files.

BCD Software clients that use JDE files in WebSmart have reported that the ‘Dollar Amount Fields’ and the ‘Date’ fields are handled slightly differently than non-JDE fields. The ‘Dollar Amount’ in the JDE files is a 15 numeric field without decimals. One client reports that they use the following editword to display these fields:

How dates are stored is very unique – as CYYDDD Julian format in JDE files. If you need to do any date conversions with these fields you can add the following user-defined functions inside theFUNCS=’ALL’ container in your uparser source member.

For those developers wanting more information on adding user-defined functions please refer to the User’s Guide chapter on Extending the PML.

Should you require any further assistance with this, or any other BCD Software tools, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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