
Managing the DevOps Process on IBM i with TD/OMS

Tell me about TD/OMS…

We’ve published a number of posts over the last few months about DevOps and TD/OMS.

But, what is TD/OMS?

TD/OMS is a collaborative multi-platform software change management tool from Remain Software. It supports change and application lifecycle management on IBM i.

So, what is DevOps then?

DevOps helps you design the software application lifecycle process.

It’s a way of working that takes you from idea, to change, to test and then into production with deployment.

DevOps is a set of practices used by developers and IT teams to speed up the development process. The whole process of a change request is redefined, with the aim of bringing changes into production as soon as possible.

How about DevOps and IBM i?

For IBM i teams, introducing a DevOps process can require a cultural shift.

In DevOps, the whole team is responsible for getting changes into deployment, so developers and operations teams are no longer working in silos.

The goal of DevOps is to design a process that will make change management as smooth as possible, by moving the change back into production as quickly as possible, and automating as much of the process as possible.

Many enterprise IT teams value IBM i’s secure, reliable and flexible development platform.

Here’s a step-by-step process of managing DevOps on the IBM i.

DevOps makes the application change management lifecycle much faster and more efficient than older change management processes.

What tools do I need for managing the DevOps process on IBM i?

We’re obviously a touch bias, but TD/OMS is a cost-effective and easy to use change management tool, covering the complete application development cycle, from development and testing to acceptance and deployment.

It follows industry DevOps change management standards and adapts them for IBM i, enabling businesses of any size to go to market quickly, with high-quality software applications and minimal bugs.

Not only does TD/OMS support DevOps on the IBM i, but it also helps non-IBM i developers on the likes of Windows, Linux and Unix to be part of the whole change and application life cycle management process.

If there are high-level tools in the company, then TD/OMS can also be included in that part as a plugin, and the entire DevOps process can be managed from a central dashboard in TD/OMS.

TD/OMS features & benefits include:

  • Graphical impact analysis, to better understand the impact software changes may have
  • Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) for universal language support
  • Rollback and recovery support that allows you to return to a previous software version or production/test environment state
  • BIRT technology platform, for data visualisations and reports that can be embedded into rich client and web applications
  • Multi-platform support with out-of-the-box, automated deployment for any TD/OMS configured environment
  • Automatic database update mapping
  • Multiple options for comparing and merging sources
  • Software change management for  both in-house and third-party applications.

Discover how TD/OMS can support your application change management DevOps process on IBM i.

Learn more about DevOps & IBM i:

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