
How IBM i Improves Productivity – While Cutting Downtime and Admin Costs



Low cost of ownership.

We’ve long shouted about the benefits of the IBM i platform.

Now, it’s more than just shouting.

IBM and Forrester Consulting have put some data behind those claims, in their Total Economic Impact of IBM i report.

How the IBM i improves productivity – while cutting downtime and admin costs

The IBM environment integrates an operating system with a database, virtualisation layer, application server, and transactional system. Businesses can easily reduce system downtime, cut admin support costs, and improve productivity.

In fact, the study shows businesses making 171% ROI, with payback in as little as eight months.

Quantified benefits

  • Reduced system downtime – The study found that IBM i reduced the number of times an organisation experienced downtime – eliminating four instances every year, and saving an average of $125k (approx. £90k)
  • Reduced technical support costs – As an integrated platform, IBM i makes it easy for technical support teams to proactively focus on other systems. This allows functions, such as systems and
    database administration, to be combined and reduces technical
    support hours by up to 33%, saving an average of $255k (approx. £162k)
  • Improved productivity – business unit employee productivity grows as more tasks are automated. This allows 6,240 business unit employee hours to be repurposed annually, saving around $158k (approx. £114k).

Unquantified benefits

As well as the financially quantifiable benefits of an IBM i system, participants in the study also reported money-can’t-buy benefits like:

  • Peace-of-mind about uptime
  • Trust in security against malware
  • Easy integration with extensive IBM software, tools, and in-house developed applications.


There are (of course) some costs that come with an IBM i system. These include:

  • The cost of an IBM Power Systems server – with enough performance and storage capacity to handle your applications
  • Monthly maintenance fees – for upkeep and support of your IBM i environment
  • IBM i licences – to manage and operate an ERP system, alongside any other applications you need.

The report found though, that over three years, the financial benefits far outweigh the costs – representing an ROI of 171%.

About the Total Economic Impact Of IBM i report

You can download the report here

Taking the example of four current IBM i users, the report compares the costs, benefits, flexibility and risks of their current system versus the system they used previously.

It combines that data into a single composite view, or Total Economic Impact (TEI) which examines some of the IBM i server’s unique financial characteristics, and the potential ROI of an IBM i deployment.


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