
IBM i (AS400 / iSeries) Development & Modernisation Webinars

IBM i development & modernisation webinars

Watch a huge range of on-demand webinars from our IBM i partners including Fresche Solutions and Zend covering topics such as:

Modernising IBM i green screens

Taking old and outdated IBM i green screens and transforming them into a modern, mobile-friendly web GUI (graphical user interface) that can improve productivity and usability of your business-critical legacy IBM i applications.

Supporting IBM i developers

With webinars for developers and IT leaders, discussing issues like digital transformation trends, improving developer productivity with automation, and advice for new IBM i developers from old-hands in the sector.

Using tools to manage your IBM i

Webinar sessions from our partners Fresche Solutions cover some of the tools and applications that Proximity are able to provide and implement for organisations. These market-leading tools can help with IBM i challenges like green screen modernisation, automated analysis and document design and distribution. Fresche’s suite of IBM i tools and solutions for instance, includes Newlook, Presto, WebSmart, X-Analysis, Formtastic, Catapult, Nexus and Spool-Explorer.

Explore our whole archive of IBM i webinars to learn about development & modernisation on the IBM i.

You can also learn more about IBM i development tools and our IBM i development services

Improving business in a digital era

Sponsored by our partner Fresche Solutions, this free webinar from COMMON Europe is a response to current world events (COVID-19) from the IBM i community. The webinar is for IT leaders who are under pressure to quickly adapt, remain resilient, and focus on urgent business needs. Fresche’s Chris Koppe and Nick Hampson highlight how you can align IT initiatives with key business objectives at this time.

Improve IBM i Testing and Test Data Management with Fresche

Join this two-part on-demand webinar from Fresche Solutions to discover to use Fresche’s X-Datatest to improve testing and protect sensitive data. Without the compliance, automation and thorough testing needed to deliver high-quality IBM i applications, organizations may be exposed to risk. The misapplication of data-protection principles makes compliance an even more pressing concern. In this two-part webinar series, Ray Everhart & Marcel Sarrasin teach you how to efficiently and accurately test your IBM i application environment while ensuring that sensitive data is protected:

  • Part 1: Data Protection, Compliance and Managing Test Data
  • Part 2: Automated Testing, Regression Testing and Code Coverage

Modernize Your IBM i Spool Files and Deliver Electronic Forms, Checks, Labels and Barcodes

See an immediate, tangible impact on your bottom line by modernising your IBM i document design and distribution. By investing in a modern forms solution for your IBM i system, you can see significant benefits. Improve customer service levels, build brand equity, extend the life of your applications, and reduce printing & distribution costs. This webinar from Fresche Solutions’ Andy Macdonald and Stephen Flaherty shows you how to use Formtastic to automatically transform forms, checks, labels and barcodes into professional, branded documents.

Rapidly Develop IBM i Web and Mobile Applications with Fresche’s WebSmart

In this new webinar from Fresche’s Marcel Sarrasin and Gregg Patterson, you can learn how to use WebSmart to quickly develop web & mobile applications on the IBM i. The webinar includes a demonstration of creating responsive RPG ILE, open-source PHP& Node.js applications, as well as real-world examples of rapid web & mobile application created with WebSmart, and strategies for IBM i web and mobile development.

Digital Transformation Virtual Conference 2019

The virtual conference centres on digital transformation, with sessions from leaders and experts across the IBM i community. It gives IBM i developers and IT leaders the chance to hear from experts on the most pressing issues facing IT today. The presenters all have years of experience helping clients leverage their organisation’s investment in IBM i, and are perfectly placed to lead discussions on various digital transformation topics.

Improving Warehouse & Logistics Through Data, Automation, and Modernization

Are you ready to improve the operational efficiency of your warehouse and logistics? Your data could be of vital importance. In this webinar from our partners StayLinked, you’ll learn why data is essential to warehouse and logistics operational efficiency, and how you can use data analytics to take positive action. The webinar covers how data analysis and application modernisation can improve supply chain efficiency, with key topics like:

  • Finding the opportunities for operational improvements
  • How to modernise and automate applications
  • Exploring digital transformation & asset intelligence
  • Zebra and StayLinked’s IoT & data strategies

4-part series: IBM i Green Screen UI Modernisation

In a four-part webinar series, Nick Hampson and Greg Patterson from Fresche Solutions show you some of the different approaches to Green Screen modernisation. The solution you choose for modernising your IBM i green screens depends on what your goals are. In this series, you’ll learn how modernisation solutions like Newlook, Presto and WebSmart, can help you:

  1. Approach your UI Modernisation Project – How to build a cohesive and well-thought-out plan for your modernisation project
  2. Achieve Quick Results Out of the Box – How to use NewLook and Presto to quickly achieve modernisation wins
  3. Improve Workflows with New Functionality – How to use NewLook and Presto to easily improve the look and functionality of modernised screens
  4. develop New Strategic Applications – A look ahead at how you could drive new revenue and increase competitive advantage by developing new strategic IBM i applications.

4-part series: Application Understanding for X-Analysis

This four-part webinar series from Fresche Solutions helps IBM i developers become more productive with X-Analysis. X-Analysis allows developers to quickly gain a complete understanding of their RPG, CA 2E (Synon) or COBOL applications. Each 30-minute session is hosted by Ray Everhart, and they cover:

  1. Documenting your systems – Automatically generating interactive graphical documentation
  2. Automated Impact Analysis – Tracks “where used” information throughout the application and database
  3. Understanding your Code – Drill up and down to easily access the information you need about your data and applications
  4. Automated Approach to Resizing your Fields – Quickly and accurately expand fields, without the risk of human error

Top 10 Business Reasons for IBM i Green Screen UI Modernization

Fresche’s IBM i experts Marcel Sarrasin and Greg Patterson outline 10 compelling reasons why businesses should modernise their IBM i green screen UI. The true value of IBM i applications as a low-cost, reliable, secure and integrated database can be obscured by hard-to-use green screen interface. This webinar uses real-world examples of IBM i web and mobile applications to show you how modernisation can drive revenue, improve business processes and productivity, and future-proof your applications.

Improve IBM i Developer Productivity by 50%

This Fresche Solutions webinar gives you a way to improve the productivity of your developers by as much as 50%, using X-Analysis. X-Analysis features automated analysis and modernisaton tools, which can cut time spent managing applications, as well as removing the risks involved in changing code. Fresche’s Ray Everhart and United Heritage’s Rob McBride demonstrate the ROI and business value than can result from IBM i application documentation, analysis and understanding.

Top five things that IBM i developers need to start doing today

In this webinar from Fresche, Paul Tuohy and Stephen Flaherty will explain how IBM i developers can make their jobs easier, by reducing time spent managing applications; removing any risks in making code changes; and modernising (where it makes sense). The webinar covers the top 5 best practices for IBM i developers, including the best approaches for making code changes and managing applications and ways to make it easy for IT to understand application design and flow. You can also see a demo of X-Analysis, to find out how it automatically documents your IBM i environment.

Why IBM i is key to your IT strategy

Join three IBM i experts, Steve Will, Pete Massiello, and Trevor Perry, in this webinar from Fresche as they explore and address some of the most common concerns of IT Executives running mission-critical applications on the IBM i.

How to modernise and optimise your IBM i

Find out how you can quickly and easily optimise and modernise business-critical applications running on the IBM i, with this webinar from Fresche. In the webinar you’ll gain a better understanding of how IBM i systems and applications are suited enterprises n any sector – from manufacturing to retail, logistics, to finance, and insurance to the public sector.

Automated IBM i application discovery and understanding

Discover how to move projects forward and onboard new developers faster with this short video from Fresche. This video will show you how to gain an understanding of your IBM i code more quickly, allowing you to easily make informed decisions.

Be the best IBM i developer you can be

This webinar from Fresche, offers everyone, from beginners to pros, useful tips on having the right tools, skills and development approach for the IBM i platform. Including ways for developers to quickly ramp up their IBM i applications; tricks to enhance development agility whilst reducing maintenance; as well as comprehensive resources for IBM i developers.

Strategies for overcoming IBM i skill and staffing shortages

If you run core applications for your business on the IBM i, the shrinking labour pool and skill shortages could be hindering the growth of your company. This webinar from Fresche, will teach you strategies to improve the onboarding process for new staff, increase the productivity of developers, expand the skills of your IT team, and explore other staffing options.

Know your applications, remove your risk

X-Analysis from Fresche is used by thousands of IBM i companies, to help onboard new staff quickly by documenting and mapping databases and applications. Remove the risks involved in changing the code by accurately automating your impact analysis, and learn how X-Analysis can help you better maintain, enhance and evolve your IBM i applications.

Improve productivity and accuracy with the unified ALM workflow solution for IBM i

Fresche Legacy’s X-Analysis has been combined with Remain Software’s TD/OMS, to develop the unified ALM workflow solution for IBM i, a complete Application Lifecycle Management solution changing the way developers work and improving accuracy and productivity through a unique, integrated interface.

The lazy programmer’s session: The better way to manage your IBM i

Learn how to automate analysis with X-Analysis from Fresche Legacy, the tool used every day by IBM i developers to analyze billions of lines of code, for automated graphical documentation, powerful impact analysis and extraction of relational data models and business rules from RPG/COBOL/CA-2E (SYNON).

The better way to manage your IBM i

Learn how to use automated analysis tools from Fresche Legacy’s X-Analysis, time spent managing applications can be reduced, and the risks involved in changing code can be completely removed.

Designing responsive IBM i web and mobile applications

BCD’s Marcel Sarrasin and Greg Patterson will explain how a responsive, mobile-first design makes desktop and mobile web development easier on the IBM i and show why Bootstrap is the most popular open source responsive framework. During the webinar you’ll also learn how BCD solutions speed up RPG, PHP and Node.js web development.

How to generate revenue with IBM i web and mobile applications

Watch this webinar from BCD and Fresche, to find out how you can give your IBM i a more strategic role, by generating revenue with web and mobile applications. Fresche’s Marcel Sarrasin and IBM’s Tim Rowe will discuss the ways to use IBM i mobile and web applications to generate revenue.

What’s possible with PHP on IBM i

This webinar will show you real-world examples of companies using applications in PHP on the IBM i, to increase revenues, improve productivity and have better business processes. Covering ecommerce applications; inventory, invoicing and order tracking; and mobile-friendly applications, this webinar is a must-see for PHP on IBM i developers.

IBM i application modernisation: Where should you start?

Delivered by IBM’s Business Architect of Application Development, Tim Rowe and BCD Software’s Marcel Sarrasin, this webinar discusses the reasons why you should modernise your IBM i and provides some real-world examples of success stories of modernisation projects delivered using BCD Sofware tools.

Spool files 2.0: Modernise your IBM i document design and distribution

Do you still print and manually distribute IBM i spool files as plain text, non-branded and poorly formatted documents? Watch this webinar to learn how Deliver i improves your document design and distribution while reducing printing costs. Deliver i includes Formtastic, Catapult, Nexus, Spool Explorer and EZ Pickin’s.

IBM i to Excel: Three easy ways to create spreadsheets

This webinar highlights three easy ways to get IBM i data into spreadsheets. You’ll see how quickly you can create IBM i web reports that users can export as spreadsheets, how to automatically convert and distribute spool files as spreadsheets and how to empower end users to convert spool file data to spreadsheets.

What’s new in Presto 7?

This webinar takes you through the key features in the latest release of Presto, Presto 7. Presto still helps organisations to modernise IBM i green screens to more user-friendly web-based GUIs, but its new features make it easier than ever. New features include responsive mobile, a modern skin and a new API – you can hear more about them, and about how they can help you, in this webinar.

Green screen to web and mobile in 10 minutes Pt. 1 – Green screen to web GUI: Instant results

Watch this quick video to see how simple it can be to to instantly replace existing IBM i (AS/400) green screens with modernised, web-based, accessible Graphical User Interface, with BCD Software’s Presto.

Green screen to web and mobile in 10 minutes Pt. 2 – How to add new functionality to presto-modernised green screens

In this two-minute tutorial video, you’ll find out how to use the Visual Editor in Presto to add new functionality to your modern web GUI.

Making the business case for IBM i green screen modernisation

Learn why giving your IBM i green screens a web GUI maximises your investment in IBM i. In this webinar, we discuss the top business reasons for IBM i green screen modernisation – supported by a number of case study examples. You will see how Presto can rapidly give your IBM i green screens a web GUI with the greatest level of flexibility to add new functionality such as images, drop-down selectors and tabs.

Give your IBM i users the modern UI they want

BCD’s Presto can help you to improve workflows by easily transforming outdated green screens into modern web pages. Watch a live example of Presto creating a modern UI in just 5 minutes. You’ll get a run through of Presto’s key features too. Presto gives users the modern UI they demand, replacing outdated, hard-to-learn green screens with a modern look and feel, that is more than simply changing colors? Increase productivity with intuitive navigation and faster data entry, have a more visual representation of your data and quickly give your IBM i green screens (and new RPG programs) a modern, web-based, mobile-friendly GUI.

See how new Presto 6.1 makes modernisation and mobilisation easier

In this webinar, you will see how the latest release of Presto makes it faster for you to modernise and mobilise your existing IBM i green screens. We will show you the key new features including a slide-out function key menu, HTML5 inputs and improvements to adding tabs and inline editing in the Visual Editor.

Rapid IBM i web and mobile development with WebSmart PHP

BCD Software’s WebSmart is the quickest way for programmers to develop applications on the IBM i, for desktop and mobile. See a live demo in this webinar, of how you can create a fully functional and responsive PHP application in minutes, using WebSmart.

Jumpstart your IBM i desktop and mobile web application development with WebSmart

WebSmart makes it easy to create new IBM i web and mobile applications rapidly – and help you to overcome common web development obstacles. In this webinar, you’ll see how WebSmart’s templates jumpstart PHP or RPG web app development and features that reduce the time needed to create any type of web app. You will also see a live demonstration of how to create IBM i mobile web apps with WebSmart Mobile.

Rapid Node.js web development with WebSmart

Speed up your mobile and web application development with WebSmart for Node.js. This webinar shows you how easy it is to adopt Node.js for your IBM i development, including a live technical demonstration, and templates for both the client side HTML and CSS, and the server-side JavaScript.

Transform your IBM i spool files into professional forms, checks and labels

In this webinar, you’ll see how Formtastic helps you replace your plain-text spool files with modern forms, checks, labels and barcodes without coding. You can also use Formtastic to automatically export, archive, fax and email documents as PDF.

Top three ways to modernise your IBM i reporting

Watch this webinar to learn how Business i improves decision making with access to real-time IBM i web reports from PCs and mobile devices. It also reduces the reporting burden on IT by replacing Query/400 and green screen reports with template-driven web reports.

User-friendly business intelligence for IBM i with Business i

If your users spend their valuable time and effort trying to access and interpret inventory, sales and any other business data from your IBM i, then this webinar will be of interest to you. Business i is a modern business intelligence (BI) tool specifically designed for the IBM i.

The smart approach to GUI and mobile

Using your existing 5052, modern user interfaces can always be mobile ready: delivered any time, anywhere and on any device. Find out in the webinar how all applications can be refaced and modernised, with Fresche Legacy’s NewLook software.

How to ensure speedy PHP applications on IBM i

Alan Seiden is widely recognised as a leading expert on PHP on the IBM i. In this webinar, he shows you how to configure your PHP applications for best performance. He also covers optimising DB2 and the IBM i toolkit, how to leverage unique IBM i performance tools, diagnose bottlenecks and errors with Zend’s Z-Ray and configure Zend Server for performance

Why PHP needs to be part of your IBM i modernisation strategy

A consultant for Zend, Mike Pavlak delivers this ever popular webinar which argues that PHP is a great choice for IBM i application development and modernisation. He’ll show you how to get started with PHP on i. He’s also joined by Marcel Sarrasin from BCD Software who will showcase the abilities of WebSmart PHP for developing PHP and RPG web and mobile applications rapidly.

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