
First i-UG meetings of 2016

Details have been released of the first two i-UG meetings of 2016. Both events will follow the same agenda and will cater to IBM i practitioners in both the north and south of the UK.

Both events are free for i-UG members. The first event takes place at The Mercure Norton Grange Hotel in Rochdale on Thursday 11th February 2016, with the second event taking place on Thursday 3rd March 2016 at The Royal Exchange in London.

So far, two presentations have been finalised with further details on others to be announced in due course.

You can register for either i-UG event.

Both events start at 10:00 am and finish at 3:15 pm. Lunch and refreshments available at both events.

Pay less for IBM software (John Taylor)

Purchase and maintenance costs for IBM software such as Domino, WebSphere, MQ Series, Portal and Connections as you will already be aware are often based on Processor Value Units, which are used to measure your server processing power. However, as the IBM i has a unique way of subsetting these numbers, John will show you how you could save you a lot of money – including some free entitlements with some IBM i licences that you may be missing out on.

What’s new in the latest HMC interface (Steve Bradshaw, i-UG Technical Director)

i-UG’s Technical Director will guide delegates through what is new in the latest HMC interface and reveal why you might want to use them. Steve will cover the HMC Interface’s new look, real-time, system performance monitor, which provides details on exactly how busy your IBM i system really is. As usual, Steve will give you some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your HMC, including a tip on how you might just be able to get your HMC for FREE!

A little it about i-UG

For those unfamiliar with i-UG, it is the only independent user group in the UK dedicated solely to the IBM i and POWER platforms. Affiliated with COMMON Europe, i-UG organises up to four one-day conferences around the country each year, as well as International iPower.

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