How to Align IT with Business Changes Faster

With business systems undergoing near-constant change, application functionality has to keep up the pace. Businesses have to adapt to advances in technology – or risk falling behind the competition. Managing that change though can present quite the challenge. “Just as changes in your business require effective change management, so do changes in the key applications […]
Why Ivanti is Trusted to Power Productivity

Ivanti terminal emulation powered by WaveLink Your customers demand faster delivery, and labour costs exert constant pressure on operating margin. The problem is, PC-based data-entry tasks don’t get any faster. So, how do you show productivity improvements every year, keep pace with peak demand and satisfy your customers? Ivanti terminal emulation, powered by WaveLink, extends […]
SmartTE Terminal Emulation Overview

Transform green screen application screens into easy-to-use graphical screens with StayLinked Traditional terminal emulation has been the app of choice for decades. Why? Terminal emulation has been the fastest app available (when implemented correctly). Terminal emulation supports pervasive application suites (WMS, SCM, ERP). Industry factors driving change New operating systems (Windows, Android, iOS) Touchscreen devices Workforce […]
Four Step Terminal Emulation Process to Android Migration

The rugged mobility landscape is shifting. But what’s driving this change? Starting next year, Microsoft will begin ending support for legacy Windows embedded operating systems. So, where do you go from here? With Ivanti Velocity, we’ve built a framework to help you move to android successfully. Velocity takes everything we’ve learned in the three decades […]
Learn More About Staylinked Terminal Emulation

Do you need to improve mobile productivity in your supply chain operations? Maybe you’re having problems with data collection device lockups, would like together more operational data, or want to migrate your applications to smart devices. What if you had a cross-platform technology that not only increased productivity, but also eliminated data collection application interruptions, […]
Ensuring your IBM i is Compliant with Government & Industry Regulations

In today’s data-driven world, privacy and security are at the forefront of consumers’ – and CIOs – minds. Regulations like GDPR, PCI-DSS, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and HIPAA lay out the measures that companies should have in place, in order to ensure proper data security and monitoring. Companies have a duty to comply with government and industry […]
Why Smart Modernisation is the Path to Successful IBM i Digital Transformation

Did you know that companies which have digital mastery are up to 26% more profitable? For many businesses though, achieving digital transformation is easier said than done. Large traditional enterprise organisations are, on average, doubling cost and deadline projections for digital transformation initiatives, with a massive 70% of investment spend going to waste. Today more […]
Remain Software introduces REST API development tool

We’re lucky enough to work in partnership with some of the world’s leading technology companies. Remain Software, who are based in the Netherlands are just one of those companies. Today they have announced the launch of a new product for REST API development. Learn more about Remain API Studio here Remain API Studio is based […]
Worksheets for Windows CE Migration

Use these worksheets to ensure senior management buy-in & document your current mobile asset inventory for effective Windows CE migrations Complete the form below to download two useful worksheets from Zebra to support your Windows CE handheld migration. Worksheet one: making the business case for a mobility asset refresh Making sure you gain buy-in from […]
Key Considerations When Choosing a Modern Mobile Operating System

Helping you to make the right choices when replacing your legacy Windows CE handheld devices New technologies, advanced mobile handheld devices and enterprise-grade platforms are making it easier and easier for companies to deploy and operate an efficient and effective mobile field service strategy. While many businesses are already taking advantage of the benefits of […]