
TD/OMS V14 Milestone 3 is Here

Updates to Remain’s ever-popular IBM i change management tool, TD/OMS

TD/OMS V14 Milestone 3, has landed, just three months after the announcement of Milestone 2.

A well-organized DevOps team should form the backbone of your IBM i IT strategy. TD/OMS makes it easy to take your software releases through the DevOps process, and milestone 3 brings even more features and improvements to Remain’s DevOps solution from May 18, 2022.

What’s new & noteworthy in TD/OMS V14 Milestone 3?

Event System

Milestone 3 brings a new and exciting event system to TD/OMS, which enables you to hook in external programs – called subscribers.

Within this system, you are able to subscribe to anything that happens within TD/OMS. By storing events in the database and delivering them as soon as the user is signed-on, the event system ensures that events are always delivered, and can perform a range of tasks, such as auditing, process triggering, notification, and e-mail.

The event system makes the cope for integrations practically limitless.

Comment Decorations

Comment decorations allow you to provide as much information as possible during the software change management process with a small  icon overlaying the existing icon to indicate when more information is available.

For items with one or more comments, a little “i” icon appears in the right bottom corner.

New Interfaces with Zendesk, ServiceDesk Plus & ConnectWise

This release adds new integrations with three well-known issue trackers to the TD/OMS third-party software ecosystem:

  • Zendesk provides software-as-a-service products related to customer support, sales, and other customer communications
  • ServiceDesk Plus is a comprehensive help desk and asset management software
  • ConnectWise is a flexible platform that connects software, services, and people

Users of all three software solutions can easily enhance the software development workflow with IBM i application lifecycle management functionality of TD/OMS, enabling your team to manage functionality such as version control, automated multi-platform deployment, fallback mechanism, graphical impact analysis, and peer review via TD/OMS to deliver high-quality code and stable, well-working applications.

Copy Source to IFS

You can now use a new versatile command to copy source members from TD/OMS to the IFS location.

From the IFS, you can add sources straight to Git or analyse them in SonarQube.

SonarQube Enhancement

The interface between TD/OMS and SonarQube has been extended with a TD/OMS SonarQube filter to a task.

Now, you can select a SonarQube issue and connect the issue source file as a solution to the task, directly from the SonarQube task filter.

comprehensive SonarQube issue information is now available with the ‘Show Issue Info’ option, with a dialogue of essential information about the selected SonarQube issue.

Ready to learn more about TD/OMS and IBM i change management tools?

Contact us, or schedule a demo with our IBM i solutions expert Andy Nicholson here.

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