Not quite rockstar royalty, nonetheless our partners at Fresche Solution are going on tour this winter as part of the COMMON Europe iTour 2018.
The COMMON Europe iTour is an annual event, bringing some of the foremost experts in IBM i together to discuss some of the industry’s more pressing topics in seven cities across Europe.
What’s on the agenda?
With a diverse agenda of events in each location, the tour is focussed on digital transformation, with some specific topics covered at every stop:
Digital transformation and innovating for the future
An exploration of digital transformation and future innovation in businesses. Lead organisations into the digital era by aligning IT initiatives and key business objectives.
AI/Watson: The business value derived from AI
Understand how and where organisations can put Watson/AI into use, by looking at a selection of real-world businesses using Watson/AI on the IBM i.
Design thinking
How can a solution-based approach to problem-solving add value for IBM i users? This session will focus on the advantages to be derived from developing solutions based on real challenges and issues.
Digital transformation journey for IBM i
This session will offer an overview for anyone unsure about digital transformation, with an explanation of the concepts involved and an outline of various approaches to digital transformation, including examples of real IBM i environments applying each of the different strategies.
Championing change in the organisation IBM i think tank
This is an exciting, user-led session, discussing emerging technologies and key IT initiatives for 2019
Where is the COMMON Europe iTour stopping?
- Krynica, Poland | 19th November 2018, 9:30-13:00 | Common Poland,
- Madrid, Spain | 16th November 2018, 09:00-14:00 (with cocktails post-event) | Common Spain
- Vienna, Austria | 29th November 2018, 13:00-18:00 | Common Austria,
- Stockholm, Sweden | 3rd December 2018, 12:00-17:00 | Common Sweden,
- Billund, Denmark | 4th December 2018, 13:00-18:00 (with networking dinner post-event) | Common Denmark,
- Glattfelden, Switzerland | 5th December 2018, 10:00-16:30 (with networking until 18:00) | Common Switzerland,
- Brussels, Belgium | 6th December 2018, 12:00-17:00 (event begins with lunch) | Common Belgium and Luxembourg, and
As Fresche Power Partners, we supply Fresche Solutions‘ development, modernisation and analysis tools for the IBM i. Proximity also provides IBM i support, maintenance and application development services to users across the UK, Ireland and Europe.