
Stay up-to-date with IBM i and POWER System developments at International i-Power

Wyboston Lakes Executive Centre in Bedfordshire will host i-UG’s annual conference International i-Power on 9th and 10th September 2015.

The two-day conference is run by i-UG, the only independent user group in the UK dedicated solely to the IBM i and POWER platforms.

International i-Power consists of in-depth educational workshops and a multi-stream session day which promise to provide attendees with up-to-date, practical information on the IBM i and POWER System platforms.

Day One

On the opening day, the conference agenda focuses on the educational workshops which provide attendees ‘the opportunity to dive-deep into workshop topics and learn the best practices and latest tips and tricks’ on IBM i and POWER.

Installing and Running Open Source Products on your IBM i by Pete Samways

Proximity’s Pete Samways will be running a workshop entitled ‘Installing and Running Open Source Products on your IBM i’. This will be a practical session on how to install and run an open source PHP application such as Drupal, Magento, WordPress, Mantis Bug Tracker or Sugar CRM on the IBM i.

During the workshop, attendees will see how the IBM i has become a more open platform over the last few years and how it is now an excellent platform for running and developing web and mobile applications.

If you have a specific interest in PHP on the IBM i, you might be interested in reading Pete’s latest technical tip contribution to Powerwire, How to get started with PHP on Power i.

Other experts delivering IBM i and POWER workshops on day one include:

SQL Awesomeness Explained by Paul Tuohy

Paul is one of the IBM i’s most respected, and popular experts and was one of the most popular speakers at last year’s event due to his ‘passion, enthusiasm and knowledge of the IBM i platform’. His workshop session will look at SQL being ‘one of the most important tools an RPG programmer can pick up and learn’.

At the same time, SQL may represent some of the biggest benefits an IBM i-focused programmer can gain. SQL is the most widely used language for relational databases — it’s a data language that programmers can use to create, control, access, and manipulate databases – and is both simple and powerful.

IBM i Navigator –understanding performance and managing your POWER system by Steve Bradshaw

Steve is one of the best (and entertaining) presenters in the IBM i and POWER community. In previous presentations, Steve has ‘touched on the use of the new Navigator product – which is FREE in your IBM POWER system – before, but in this workshop, he will dive deep into the utility and show just how powerful it can be and how useful the information is in everyday life. As well as a good management toll with a GUI that even your most wet-behind-the-ears college student can understand, the new Performance Analysis toolset is class leading… and free. Steve will conduct a workshop on the use of Navigator with hands-on practical examples’.

Day Two

Comprehensive details on the sessions included on day two are nearing completion and will be made available shortly. However, confirmed sessions so far include:

  • 5 Reasons to Love your HMC by Steve Bradshaw which looks at the reasons to have and look after a Hardware Management Console (HMC) on the POWER system
  • The Future of Email is…? by John Taylor, Chairman of the Typex Group plc which looks at the growth of social business in the workplace – and IBM’s take on it
  • ‘i’ care about storage by IBM’s Therese Eaton which looks at current IBM storage options and adapters and best practices


You can register for the conference. Members of i-UG get a discounted attendance rate at the conference, but if you are not yet a member you can benefit from a 10% discount if you quote code NC222 when registering.

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