
PHP Driving IBM i Modernisation Strategies

An online survey conducted by Zend of over 400 IBM i professionals has revealed that 70% are using PHP on the IBM i in their businesses, with 45% of those users having five or more PHP applications.

The fact that the IBM i has become a much more open platform in the last couple of years means that it is now an excellent platform for the development of web and mobile-based application. And PHP is fuelling that modernisation strategy.

Amy Anderson, director of business development at Zend told IT Jungle that:

“We talk to customers all the time who say they bought a new machine or did an upgrade and almost invariably, it’s a PHP application that’s talking to RPG. So it’s the integration of PHP and RPG running IBM i that really becomes an integral part of the business function.”

Zend reports that 43% of respondents are running MySQL giving developers a more flexible way to build a new application, while 67% are using the SQL engine with DB2 for i.

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